Riverside Garden Centre Clift House Road, Southville,
Bristol, BS3 1RX
Get in touch! 0117 966 7535 Mon-Sat: 9.30-5.30 Sun: 10.30-4.30 0117 966 7535

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If you are looking for plants for a damp, shady corner of your garden, ferns are for you, their luxuriant foliage adding softness and movement to the surroundings. Ferns come in all shapes and sizes: tiny varieties with delicate leaves which will thrive in a crack in a wall; exotic Japanese varieties with ‘painted’ leaves; and stunning tree ferns.


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Riverside Garden Centre and Cafe Bristol logo
Riverside Garden Centre, Clift House Road
Southville, Bristol BS3 1RX
Get in touch! 0117 966 7535 Mon-Sat: 9.30-5.30 Sun: 10.30-4.30

Company Number Reg. 5179239 | VAT number 433 7797 19

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