Ornamental grasses look good in most gardens, either having a calming influence on more colourful flowering plants or being the sole focus of the design. There are grasses for damp or dry soil, shady as well as sunny situations. However, they generally prefer a sheltered but well-lit position and do best in moist, well-drained soil.
Grasses are the perfect solution for softening hard landscaping and using as a contrast to other plants, some varieties providing architectural structure in their own right. Grasses are also a plant of choice for sensory gardens. Taller grasses (e.g. Miscanthus) provide height and movement, and some varieties, such as Stipa are very tactile. Shorter grasses like Festuca can look stunning as part of a planting scheme in a suitable container planting.
The versatility of grasses – their wide range of colours and textures – make them the perfect addition to all garden styles and situations.
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