Riverside Garden Centre Clift House Road, Southville,
Bristol, BS3 1RX
Get in touch! 0117 966 7535 Mon-Sat: 9.30-5.30 Sun: 10.30-4.30 0117 966 7535

Riverside News

Western Harbour - implications
19 Aug

Western Harbour - implications

A consultation for major changes to the existing Cumberland Basin road system - the aging swing bridge and flyover - is now underway . The overall aim of the scheme is to unlock a new and enhanced ‘Western Harbour’ area with homes, shops and green space. Key to making this happen will be a massive reconfiguration of the road system in the area.

Consultation is now underway and ends on 15 September 2019

How the plans could affect Riverside Garden Centre

The consultation document for the reconfiguration of the main road system shows three conceptual schemes - referred to as East, West and Hybrid. Two of the proposed schemes show a main road crossing the New Cut on a high bridge and swinging round the back of the red brick warehouse (C Bond) where our car park is.

If either of these schemes goes ahead, it will result in the closure of Riverside Garden Centre.

Riverside was established on this site over 30 years ago. We are the only inner city garden centre in Bristol, an iconic independent company which now operates as a social enterprise. We are very proud of the reputation which we have built up and we intend to continue operating successfully for at least another 30 years.

However, if  two of the plans for the Western Harbour road scheme come to fruition, they will mean the end of Riverside in our current location.

How you can help

We are encouraging as many people as possible to take part in the consultation process. The Council is organising four drop-in sessions where the plans will be on display and Council officers on hand. Full details about the dates, times and locations of the drop-in sessions - and a copy of the consultation questionnaire - can be found at:




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Riverside Garden Centre and Cafe Bristol logo
Riverside Garden Centre, Clift House Road
Southville, Bristol BS3 1RX
Get in touch! 0117 966 7535 Mon-Sat: 9.30-5.30 Sun: 10.30-4.30

Company Number Reg. 5179239 | VAT number 433 7797 19

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