Gardening Advice

Gardeners Advice for "october"

Riverside's Trees
Riverside's Trees Month: September, October

How Riverside picks the trees in our range....

Houseplants for Students
Houseplants for Students Month: September, October

Houseplant recommendations for students and your new home

How to make a BULB LASAGNE!
How to make a BULB LASAGNE! Month: September, October, November, December

Layering bulbs for a lasting display

Bulb Planting - Intro & Advice
Bulb Planting - Intro & Advice Month: March, April, September, October, November

Bulbs are a great way to extended colour in your garden and pots throughout the winter. Read for some tips and advice when planting your bulbs...

Planting fruit trees
Planting fruit trees Month: October, November

Advice on planting a tree

Mulch time
Mulch time Month: October

(Nearly) all you need to know about what and how to mulch

Garlic – varieties to plant in Autumn
Garlic – varieties to plant in Autumn Month: October, November, December

Suggestions for things to do in the veg patch or on the allotment

Greenhouse tidy up
Greenhouse tidy up Month: October

Suggestions to keep your greenhouse in tip-top shape: October week 3

Starting out on an allotment
Starting out on an allotment Month: October

Helpful advice for new allotment tenants

Looking back - planning ahead on your allotment
Looking back - planning ahead on your allotment Month: August, September, October

Late summer news from the allotment

Fruit bushes to plant now
Fruit bushes to plant now Month: October, November

On the allotment - late October and into November

Sowing broad beans
Sowing broad beans Month: October

Time to sow on your allotment or veg patch - October week 4

Planting onion sets, shallots and garlic
Planting onion sets, shallots and garlic Month: February, October, November

Time to plant on your allotment - October week 2

It’s not too late to plant cabbages and leeks
It’s not too late to plant cabbages and leeks Month: October

Things to do on your allotment or in your veg patch – now!

Winter Protection
Winter Protection Month: January, February, March, October, November, December

It's time to think about protecting tender plants from the onset of Winter.

flower images
Riverside Garden Centre and Cafe Bristol logo
Riverside Garden Centre, Clift House Road
Southville, Bristol BS3 1RX
Get in touch! 0117 966 7535 Mon-Sat: 9.30-5.00 Sun: 10.30-4.30

Company Number Reg. 5179239 | VAT number 433 7797 19

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